Find out about the Walking Maps website

How Walking Maps can help you reach a wider audience

Walking Maps literally 'puts you on the map' by promoting your organisation and its services to a wider audience, especially if your activities or services are focused on: 

  • Promoting an active and healthy lifestyle to parents, children or older adults
  • Getting people out and about, improving liveability, environment or social connectedness 
  • Celebrating the historical, cultural, artistic or natural treasures in your area
  • Promoting local destinations to visitors and improving local economic development.

How does it work?

There are 3 options:

  1. Do it yourself (free) - the website makes it easy for you to create digital walking maps anywhere in Australia. Use the links below as a guide to create your own walks on the website, then contact us to promote your walks;
  2. Victoria Walks uploads your existing walks, provided you supply us with all the necessary text, route map, photos etc. For councils and non-government organisations, the starting rate is $295 excl GST per map.
  3. Victoria Walks delivers the whole package for you - we create or adapt existing routes to suit your promotional objectives, take photos, research and map walk route information and points of interests. See digital walking maps developed for Latrobe City Council. Costs to be negotiated.

We can promote your walks to our vibrant and rapidly growing Facebook community, and in Footprints e-news, which has a dedicated local, national and international audience.

Please contact us to discuss how we can best assist you to promote your products or services through Walking Maps.*  

Examples of walks we mapped

* Victoria Walks reserves the right to decline content from businesses or organisations with aims, products or services contrary to our health promotion objectives.