Victoria Walks in the news
15 Mar 2016
From cars on the footpath to trains in the sky, it's been a big couple of weeks for Victoria Walks in the media.
On the 3rd of March our School Programs Co-ordinator Leigh Cawood was on her way home from work when she was astounded to find a taxi driving down the footpath on Little Bourke Street. We posted some photos on Twitter and before too long The Age picked up the story.
A few days later and The Age ran a story on some unusual car parking spots in Abbotsford, which are located partly on the road and partly on the footpath. Our Executive Officer Ben Rossiter was subsequently interviewed on ABC radio and 3AW.
That same day, Victoria Walks teamed up with the Bus Association of Victoria, RACV, Bicycle Network and the Public Transport Users Association to support 'skyrail' on the Frankston line. Ben noted "elevating the rail line provides an opportunity to reconnect the suburbs on either side and allow people to walk between neighbourhoods". There was plenty of comment on social media about this unusually broad coalition of transport groups.
For a while on March the 7th Victoria Walks was even trending on Twitter!
Rest assured that Victoria Walks will continue to stand up for walkers in key policy discussions and the media.