Event: How Rotterdam put walking front and centre
9 May 2022
Victoria Walks is delighted to announce details of our fourth Virtual Victoria Walks' Official Supporters Event with guest speaker José Besselink.
It’s a long way from having a concept, to a city engaging at policy-level, and finally then transforming policy into practice – Rotterdam’s story shows that it can be done, and how.
Urban Planner at City of Rotterdam, José Besselink, will explain how she engaged colleagues and citizens, and how Rotterdam committed to putting walking front and centre of planning policy.
Join José, the Victoria Walks team, and your fellow Supporters, a mix of councils, planners, public transport providers and businesses working to promote and develop liveable communities and, hear and share best practices ideas on liveability, active transport, sustainable mobility.
Date: Tuesday 24 May 4.30pm - 6.00pm (AEST) / 8.30am-10am (CEST)
Venue: Online (Zoom) details will be made available when you register. Please note attendees must be from Victoria Walks' supporter organistions. Registration instructions should have been emailed to your organistion.
This is an exclusive Victoria Walks supporter event that will be of special interest to Councils, Planners and Developers, so please feel free to extend this invitation to your colleagues, executive and councillors.