
5. Is there street furniture (eg. seating, shelters, rubbish bins) provided in good condition?

  • Are there seats or shelters for people to stop and rest or shelter from the sun and rain?  This is especially important near public transport stops and libraries, parks, local convenience shops, and schools. 
  • Is there rubbish lying around?  This means that there should probably be more rubbish bins and recycling bins. 

6. Are there trees or other things creating enough shade on paths to keep you comfortable on a hot day?

  • Big trees provide excellent shade, and seats should be placed in this shade where possible. But overhanging branches can also pose a problem for pedestrians, blocking their path or providing a risk of injury. 
  • Some other shade options include shade cloths or sails.  These can be used where trees are not appropriate, or would take too long to grow.

7. Is there signage to guide walkers?

  • Are there streets signs to tell you the name of each street? 
  • Are there maps to guide people to places in the area?  
  • These can be really helpful in helping people to get where they want to go.  A map can also show how long it will take to walk between places, and which is the safest route to take.